. The Art of Plant Evolution, by W. John Cress and Shirley Sherwood, Key Publishing, 2009
. Treasures of Botanical Art: Icons from the Shirley Sherwood and Kew Collections, by Shirley Sherwood and Martin Rix, Kew Publishing, 2009
. Botanical Art into the Third Millenium, Edizioni ETS, 2013
. Rory McEwen: The Colours of Reality, Kew Publications, 2014
. Zone One Arts: Susannah Blaxill, Painter, Deborah Blakeley, 2016
. From The Earth: World’s Great, Rare and Almost Forgotten Vegetables, by Peter Gilmore, Hardie Grant Publishing 2018
. Botanical Revelation, by David J Mabberley. The Peter Crossing Collection, Newsouth Publishing, 2019
. The Shirley Sherwood Collection: Modern Masterpieces of Botanical Art, Kew Publishing, 2019
. Ill Gardiniere Goloso by Cristina Bay and Gottardo Bonacini, Ponte Alle Grazie, 2019
Reprinted 2024
. Highlife Magazine: Attention to Detail, January 2022

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All the works represented on this Web site are under the copyright of the artist, Susannah Blaxill. They are presented here for the visual enjoyment of visitors to the Web site and potential clients and art lovers.
Many people have borrowed or sought to borrow images for non-commercial use on their own Web sites. This is granted on an individual basis. Please use the Contacts page to see whether this is possible.